The Cruzada Nueva Humanidad Foundation, founded by Alvaro Noboa, mobilized to the sector of 43 street and Q alley, located in the West Suburbio of Guayaquil, to provide medical care to the group “Lucha contra el pantano”, led by Alejandro Pin.
Doctors Jenny Arteaga and Virginia Clavijo assisted the inhabitants of the sector. Doctor Arteaga explained that most of the senior patients suffered from high blood pressure, and pointed out that the condition was more common in the inhabitants f the south of the city. Thereafter, she said that there are children affected with cough and diarrhea.
For her part, Doctor Clavijo said that among the 20 patients she saw (at the time), she diagnosed cases of pharyngitis, diarrhea and high blood pressure. She added that these conditions have not decreased and respiratory conditions, cough, fever and sore throat, persist.
Alejandro Pin, of 58 years old, has more than 10 years working together with the Foundation. At the beginning he worked door by door, and thereafter he started to work with the groups. Pin’s Motivation was born by the necessity he saw in the people that lived in his alley.
For his work, the FCNH has visited the sector in several occasions, where the organization has delivered wheelchairs and also has collaborated with money loans in order to keep the sector clean.