On Friday, March 27, the foundation of Businessman/Philanthropist Alvaro Noboa provided financial support to several people in the city of Guayaquil. Among those who requests assistance were Vanessa Valdez, a single mother of 37, who has three children who have a serious disease: sickle cell anemia . Vanessa told the team of the foundation she is a cosmetologist, but given the need to stay home take care of her children, she has been unemployed for three months. She expressed her gratitude for the assistance received from the foundation to buy the medicines her children need.
Francisco Cevallos Marin, 80, who suffers from kidney failure, besides being hypertensive and diabetic, requested financial assistance to the foundation to undertake a business that allows him to subsist, he wishes to sell fish soups. “I am very grateful to Mr. Alvaro Noboa, because he helps people with limited resources, because of my age and my illness I can not work, but I know God has a purpose for us all,” Francisco said.
Victoria Dillon, 45, works as `shoeshine boy,´she said that due to the rainy season she has not been able to continue working, so she requested economic aid to engage in the sale of lanterns. “I thank the foundation for helping poor people like me,” were the words of Victoria.
Ruffo Ramirez’s wife suffered a stroke, so she needs physical therapy. The Crusade for a New Humanity Foundation will cover medical expenses necessary for her recovery. “First of all I thank God, I thank Mr. Noboa for always giving me a hand when I have most needed it.”
This is the first time that Laura Barche, widow, requests assistance from the foundation. She came with her son Miguel Angel, 17, who has Down syndrome and autism. Laura earns a living by selling lottery and needs money to buy medicine for her son. “What can I say? I’m very happy for having received financial support from the foundation,” Laura said with a smile on her face.