The Cruzada Foundation led its social work to Guasmo Sur


In the Proletarios sin Tierras Cooperative, located in Guasmo Sur sector, at Guayaquil, the Cruzada Nueva Humanidad Foundation (FCNH), founded and presided by Att. Álvaro Noboa, attended free of charge to 125 people with several medical needs.

The host committee for the FCNH on the sector was carried out by Carmen Montoya, a member of the religious group of the church, “Hermana Graciela”, who was responsible to contact and request assistance from the Foundation, on behalf of all persons in need.

Each person was examined and diagnosed by Dr. Virginia Clavijo, who said she mostly attended children, who primarily presented parasitic infections and colds. The adults from all ages, had diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

All the people attended were given free medicine in order to treat their problems, and in response, they all expressed their gratitude to the Foundation and its sponsor, Alvaro Noboa.